i ran today!!!!
training for today said 4 miles. that didn't happen. i only had 30 minutes before teaching my KB class. but i didn't let "life" stop me today. i drove to the beach. ran along the great highway to the zoo and back.
i think it was me telling my mentor that, other than thursday morning track practice, i haven't figured out running on week days and was having a hard time. i was tired of justifying. there's always some reason not to. too many excuses. it could be that i have talked other people into doing it with me... maybe not kauai, but they will do it... oh yes they will!
it all started a few weeks back. i went to a wedding in june. other than the bride and one other person, i knew no one. luckily i was seated at table W. we were the fun table. after our "getting to know you" period plus a bottle of wine, i let the table know that i was running kauai. we started talking about local runs and that i asked my friend to run, but he didn't want to do it with me. everyone else (minus the iron man triathlon couple) said they wouldn't want to do it with me. it was too hard. no one had time to train. etc. at the end of the wedding i was known as "the girl who wants to do it with everyone" so the FB joke is that no one wants to do it with me... except for that couple :)
well, they are wrong! plenty of people want to do it with me! i just have to tailor it to what they can accomplish. i'm going to look for local 5k walks in the bay area to do it with my dad and family here. i was invited to do l.a. rock n roll... so i invited my cousin and she signed up. everyone has to start somewhere yes? i am doing this to help fight cancer... and also help my family get healthy. i mean if i can do it, so can everyone else.
2.4 miles
25 minutes
10:41 miles per minute
We ran the SJ RnR together so I guess that means I did it with you. Keep up the good work. ~V