Tuesday, August 31, 2010

the final buddy run

the final buddy run was today at 6am. i'm kind of sad about that. i emailed my ladies and let them know that i'm only doing 3 miles (not 6) and would meet at 6am instead of 5:45am... that extra 5 minutes really does help in the morning. the plan: 3 miles and off to work. the butterflies have started. that or something is wrong with my stomach. i had a 1/2 lara bar and tortilla before the run (yes, i have no food whatsoever in the fridge... figured why get groceries since i'm leaving in a few days). after 5 minutes of running, the butterflies got worse. i can't be nervous since it's only 3 miles. maybe it'll go away. it didn't, but i was fine. i made the 3 miles at a slow pace. part ofme feels like i peaked too soon. i was at a 9:?? minute pace a while back, but i'm not going to worry about that now. i can't really change anything i've prepared for. just get ready and enjoy the run. i did try out my new run skirt for this sunday. it's black and not as obnoxious, but i was told that you run faster if you're coordinated :) and a bright blue and pink skirt with a purple singlet may be a bit much!

this week is about tapering down down. i was told not to run anymore for the rest of the week, but that can't be right. time to consult with my coach on how much more i can do. no strength training, so i canceled pilates and training. just resting and emergen-c. guess that's a good thing because i've got a bunch of stuff to do at work before i leave. now for a quick power nap before i get ready for a 12 hour day at work!

3 miles
34 minutes

Monday, August 30, 2010

welcome to my pity party

6 days to go and this is not a workout entry.... today i was supposed to run 4 - 6 miles. i didn't. i didn't run yesterday because i was at work. i am working extra hours until i leave for kaua'i. my throat is sore. it hurts to swallow. i am achy. my knee is still a little tweaked. i can't sleep. my dad's first treatment is thursday and i need to leave work to pick up my dad from his treatment and get him home and then go back to complete all of my work deadlines.


maybe i'm just stressing myself out. i always work extra hours at the end of the month. there are always deadlines at work, and i've got them done before. i've been training for 8 weeks. 1 more week isn't going to make or break my training. this week is about keeping my legs loose, rest, recover and hydrate.

time for me to suck it up and do the damned thing!
pity party over.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

last coached training run

so today was the last coached training before i leave for my race... it was ok.

today the scheduled training run was 4 - 16 miles (depending on which run you were training for) with staggered start times so everyone finished around the same time. i was scheduled for the last group running 4 - 6 miles~ good thing because my alarm woke me up at 5:30am... yes too early. went back to bed and i slept in until 7:30am... too late. i got up, threw on my gear and sunscreen... forgot my handkerchief... and jumped in my car. i followed the directions in my training packet and made good time, since not much traffic to get to the suburbs... except for the fact that when i got there and parked, it was the wrong place. luckily it was the 2nd water stop and they gave me directions to get to the start... up the hill hard left, up the hill, down the hill veer right... um, i'm screwed. didn't know if i should just turn around and go home. there were no signs, no nothing. luckily, i wasn't the only lost/late person, because the only reason i found the start was that i spotted 2 TNT people stretching next to a police car (don't ask about the police car... different story). i checked in and got to the trail. all in all i didn't really start until 8:45am. i did see one of the mentors on their way back and was told that coach said to only run 4 miles.

only 4?! ok... i suppose we are supposed to taper. i passed the 2 people i started with and ran alone. no problem. the trail was marked well. my pace was ok. i passed the water stop, got to mile 2 and turned around. that's when i saw wendy (she's the 1 of 3 people on my team who is running kauai. the 3rd is a ninja and i've never met him - heard he was cute, so i'm sure i'd remember). we ran back together at the split was a little faster.

i talked to my coach about how i hurt my knee. he said i should be okay, but i'm on an ice regiment and and anti inflammatory for the rest of the week. i got my race packet and new purple people singlet for next week. by this time the food spread was out, but i felt guilty... didn't work up a sweat

how can last weeks' run with hills feel so good and today... just ok.

i kind of feel like i cheated. i'm not winded. my knee is sore. i told a friend that my run sucked, and he laughed and called me little miss sunshine. i mean, it was fine. i did 10 minute miles. maybe a little sad because it is my last official workout.

little miss sunshine, sweat pea, peanut... this girl is gonna do the damned thing! this next week is about rest, hydration & hawaii!

4 miles
40:38 minutes
10:09 minute miles

Thursday, August 26, 2010


so it's 10 days before my run and i'm sitting here with ice on my knees. i was doing so well too! the day started with me getting up at 5am. i'm finally getting used to waking at 5am on thursday, eat some fuel and get to the track by 5:50am. today we did circuit training with hill repeats...big hill repeats. it was my last "official" track workout. next thursday is an easy 3 mile run and then it's fly to kauai. it was a bit humid, but i think i did well. i feel good... the top part of the steep hill still kills me, but my time to do 4 circuits seem better and consistent.

still need to remember to hydrate while i run, but i'm doing ok. went home... took a quick 1 hour power nap (i've learned that getting up at 5am and not finishing my day until 9pm... getting home at 10pm is taxing... so that hour really helps and keeps me going through when i usually poop out at 4pm.

work was work... i had my big girl shoes, but ended up wearing flats all day.
that's when my routine changed... RIGHT KNEE... INNER PATELLA... OUCH! i was walking down the stairs when i felt the pain... i didn't do anything strenuous today to injure myself. it was just a slight discomfort (and it was too late to find a sub), so i decided to teach class, but no jumping jacks, kicking, or anything that would stress out my knees. walked through most of the class. then with one step... sharp pain :(


i finished class. got food. drove home. pulled out my ice pack... and here i am.
resting, icing & elevating. i don't think i'm injured, but you can't be too safe.
i don't even think i did anything during training. it was getting out of the car or walking down the stairs or something stupid

1 hour track practice - hill repeast & circuit
1 hour kickboxing class - just boxing... no kicking

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ran 3 miles on 3 hours of sleep

so, let's face it. i'm not a morning person. but now that i've committed to these 6am buddy runs on tuesday, i have to go. monday was a long day at work... 10:30a - 10:30p. i rescheduled my planned workout with my trainer... i didn't get home until about 11pm. had to eat dinner since i forgot or better yet, didn't have time to get food while at work. i had a granola bar at 3pm (190 calories - not enough) and managed to get a half sandwich at 6:30pm while working...

by the time i got into bed at midnight, i couldn't fall asleep until around 2pm, and by then i kept waking up because i didn't want to sleep in. i wasn't sure how the run was gonna be... training said 4 - 6 miles. i've been slammed with emails, so i didn't call to confirm.

i surprisingly got up at 5am... brushed my teeth. had a 1/2 clif bar and water then got to our meeting spot. it was already 70 degrees at 6am. we decided to run the lake once and go from there.

it was gorgeous. the lights were on and the moon was still out, it looked more like dusk than 6am. this was the most beautiful time i've run this lake ever. running with people is great. i'm still not a big talker, but we have conversation and run buddy talks, but not incessantly. it's good. there are 3 of us... and we all admit, if we didn't have our tuesday morning date, we'd all be in bed. it wasn't our fastest pace, but i'm not really worried about that.

12 days til the marathon... i start to taper off this saturday and decrease my mileage.

i'm worried about 3 things - heat, dehydration, and getting enough rest before the marathon... mainly getting enough rest. i'm not good with tapering down and moderation.

example: i slept 3 hours and still ran 3 miles... with the full day ahead of me which doesn't end until 9pm.

3 miles
33 minutes
11 minute miles

Sunday, August 22, 2010

10 miles of running > 20 miles of cycling

today's schedule: rest or easy run or cross train

i didn't want to take zumba since it's 14 days to the race and my right knee has been bothering me. figured i'd give my joints a rest and go for a ride. i'm testing out a new saddle, and it's much better than my old one!

what i forgot is that i'm not a good cyclist. it started out fine... i practiced taking the water bottle out while riding (yes, i'm that bad). at mile 15 i decided that i could do a hill~ a real hill. it's the hill i drive by the hills on the way to track. not sure if i was tired or i psyched myself up, but i only made it half way. i didn't want to tire my legs out or strain my joints.

i think the ride made my calves tighter... knees are fine though. oh yeah, next bike purchase - new handlebars!

20 mile bike ride
a long time!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

the redwoods

10 miles. the original plan was 12 miles... my longest mileage before i start to taper down. since we were doing serious hills today, the plans changed to 10 miles (max for everyone).

it's a good thing i got there early... i was parked and at the meeting spot at 7:50am for an 8:00am start time. good thing, because it was staggered starts. i got there in time to check in. weigh in. and run.

the redwoods are gorgeous! i cannot do it justice with a description. what i can say is that it is a beautiful run and it's so close! it's like another world 20 minutes outside of SF and i recommend it to everyone for a run or even a nice stroll. the first mile was the trail... enough time to look around and admire everything. after that, it was down to business and time for some hills for the next 4 miles.... seriously! they were not rolling hills~ it's basically run up hill for 5 miles and then turn around and run back. mile 2 & 3 were the steep, dry and hot. i was worried about tripping on the fallen branches or roots on the trail. at the first water stop, i took off my long sleeve run top and decided to run with just the tank. little did i know that this was trail running through the redwoods and parts the trees were so dense that the fog and moisture gathered and it was like it was a rainy day in november. i ran through a lot of rain and mud puddles and windy paths. at times it was just a long mud puddle... about a mile of mud. i slipped a lot. after a while i wasn't worried about my time, since i walked through the downhill muddy portions. at that i point i told myself that it's not about time and it's not my race, it's the mileage and not falling. besides, i somehow hit my timer so i'm not 100% sure on my time. mission accomplished. i didn't fall.

by the time i got back, mud all over my shoes. in my shoes. in my socks on my legs.... and it was COLD! weighed myself (lost 1 pound*) i look like i ran muddy buddy... well, not that bad. but i was running through the same path as the mountain bikers in the slickers with the big mud stripes... and this is me in little shorts and a white tank.

good thing i brought a towel and am still driving the rental car right now! the trick is how to see how i feel tomorrow :)

note*: this was to see how much water we lose to make sure we aren't losing too much salt, etc.

10 miles
1:42 - 2:00?
1-12 minute mile?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

i heart food

i feel really good at the track... maybe because i've been running and talking with people on tuesdays and saturdays. before i'd just show up. run my mileage or do my workout then go home. it is inspiring to be on a team and get the support even when you're not running the same pace... especially when you're struggling!

i missed last week when it was sprints. this week's track practice... NO SURPRISE: hill repeats with circuit drills. i felt good and fast... well, fast for me. maybe because i ate more in the morning: scrambled egg + wheat toast & 1/2 pbj. this fuel thing makes sense i suppose. my team asked me what it was today...
i told them it was the nachos i had for dinner last night. so today i ate a lot!

i went home after the track and crawled into bed for my nap. woke up had my coffee and blueberry scone.

work... fine. uneventful and productive.
lunch at le medeterrenee and i had the chicken kebab plate - salad, chicken kebab, rice, hummus... yummy

more work and off to teach class. i had a granola bar in the car.
my class was small. my calves seemed a bit tight and knee bothered me at work so, nothing strenuous on the knees, no jumping jacks etc for me and bag work was mainly punches. i started to run out of fuel towards the end. but it was a good workout! after class, i had my 1/3 chicken burrito

now i'm home... tomorrow is a rest day then 12 miles on saturday.
i ate lots today, but burned off more.
taking tomorrow off. i will let the sloth rule the day.

1 hour hill repeats and circuit drills
1 hour kickboxing

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

the workout doesn't always have to be hard and fast, just good.

wednesdays are always hard for me.. maybe because of the double workout and late night on tuesday... maybe because today was an anxiety filled day at work.

today was a pilates day and it was a good workout. i still have a lot to do, but i think i'm getting better. my trainer is great and very encouraging... though cirque du soleil will not be calling me soon, i'm doing better for me. (never thought i would say that, since i'm very critical of myself and have a tendency of comparing myself for others). don't get me wrong. i still have to learn how to breathe through my diaphragm, and i hold too much tension in my neck.

after an 11 hour day at work. i'm tired... didn't notice that my lower back hurt until i left work. first time all season that my back is achy. tomorrow is an early day at the track then off to work... we'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

all work and no play makes belle a dull girl.

it seems that all i do now is: run. work. workout. teach class. eat. sleep. what ever happened to taco tuesdays? wednesday dinner? thursday wine at pacific catch? friday happy hour? i should be having tacos, guac & cocktails tonight...

this tuesday, the countdown widget on my phone says i have 19 days left, so taco tuesdays must wait a few weeks. today my scheduled training is 6 miles, so i drag myself out of bed at 5am. no time to get ready and fuel up, so i grab a granola bar and get to the buddy run. everyone is doing 1x around the lake, since they are running nike... i'm trying to stick to the plan of 2x around. it's a good thing i have someone to run with me, else i would have done just 3 miles. i am starting to enjoy the running with people and some conversation. it's a bit distracting in a good way. we talk about nothing in particular. at times i think it makes me slower, but it keeps you breathing and going at a decent pace that is not too hard. first 5 miles were good pace... last mile, slowed down a bit, but we didn't stop.

got home. scrambled eggs. ate. showered and off to work...

it was not one of my favorite days at work, but let's just stay on the subject of my training. so i rush out of work late. my parking garage cannot locate my car and pull the wrong one out. i try to change while driving, but that doesn't work. best i can do is put my hair in pig tails. good news- superstar parking right in front. bad news- 7 minutes late and i'm in a dress. good news- one of the other instructors was there and did the warm up for me. i threw on my gear and started class. it was a little slower paced than last week, but a good tempo. 17 minutes of rounds on the bag with light weights and ab work to boot.

i close up shop and and off to visit the parents. i ended up staying later than usual since they were in a talky mood and my dad cooked for me. i was tired, so i just listened to them talk. at times it's nice to be home and just be their baby girl... until my mom expressed concern over me running in kauai... how it was hot... how i'll be dehydrated... how she's worried.

oh parents: if you don't visit, they worry that something is wrong. if you don't get seconds at dinner, they worry that you don't eat enough. if they think you work out too much (which i don't) they worry. but what matters is that they care and it's good to be loved.

i'm back home. it's almost midnight. time for bed.
i will have a life in 19 days... but my life right now is not bad at all.

6.2 miles
1:08 minutes
my brain doesn't work right now to figure out my pace... 11 minute miles?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

easy like sunday morning

ok, so for the first time i did the easy run. no zumba. no 5-6 miles.... i actually didn't get up in time to make it to zumba... well i could have, but then i'd be late. i was almost not going to run, but i have 21 days to go and didn't really train last week. it feels like a stay at home day with the dog: laundry, iron, cook, clean, and walk to blue bottle (coffee for me & biscuit for cooper), but the sun's out and my hips are a bit stiff. i need a recovery run. so i called a friend. asked him to run... but let him know it wasn't a training run. just something short and slow.

i don't think i deserve a glass of wine for the workout, but it sounds good right now.

3.05 miles
32:29 minutes
11:18 minute mile

Saturday, August 14, 2010

i run in pigtails

i love that people think i'm young on the team... maybe because i run in pigtails. today i went rogue and didn't wear my TNT shirt. i haven't been feeling well and needed something to help me going in the morning... so i rocked the run skirt. i didn't account for the fact that it's as short as my nike boy shorts (not ready for that yet)... and when you are stretching with people behind you and you bend over... not to fret. the run skirt has full coverage underneath... it's just bright pink full coverage.

i didn't think it would be such a conversation piece, since other people wore run skirts in the past. mine was turquoise and bright pink. but you know girls and their fashion. i figured if i got lost they could find me :) i haven't worn it since the beginning of the season when i did "see jane run." it fits much better now... not as snug :)

the run was the optional 4, 6, or 8 miles. i of course did 8. i said on thursday that i would take it easy, but i don't like to be left behind... 8 miles along the marina and back. pass the whale. pass the no guns beyond this point. pass the grey rock on your right and try not to smell the sewage or skunk or whatever it was. turn around at the neon yellow nalgene bottle and run back to where i started.

this time i had a running partner. i kinda like it. it keeps me running and from quitting... or stoppoing to walk i know my pace is good bc i can still have minor conversation, and i can remember to drink water when he does. we started slow, since i haven't run since tuesday and was out sick on thursday. we did pretty good. 2nd split was better than the first. (he owns a fancy garmin so i knew my pace and splits for each mile, but i don't really remember them).

little sprint to the end... he let me win. i was a bit winded and maybe lightheaded, but i'm good. need to eat more than 190 calories before the run. i will start to carry gu or shot blocks so i have some fuel for the next saturday run. (10-12 miles with a big hill... or 2). i got back to the car... CRAMP left foot. i really need to drink more water. tried the coconut water when i got home. i don't like coconut. i really don't. let's just say i gave the coconut water back to the ocean after i drank it. guess it's plan B for recovery drinks

worried about 2 things for kauai: humidity and dehydration
22 days to go.

8 miles
1st half 42 minutes
2nd half 40 minutes
10:18 minute mile

Thursday, August 12, 2010

the energizer bunny is broken

my horoscope for today:
you may be in crash-and-burn mode right now, because you really want to accomplish a task by a certain date. hopefully, though, you realize that by rushing things you could be increasing your room for error and exhausting yourself to the point where you won't be at your best...

it's finally beautiful outside and i'm home sick... lame. i've been fighting it off for a while. my body has been feeling achy since sunday and i've been tired. really tired. my training has been going well and i figured i could work through it. i still haven't logged enough weekly miles and i have 24 days til kauai. i had a really good run tuesday morning. i had a great class tuesday night. i took a rest day on wednesday. i made sure i ate every 3-4 hours, other than saturday's reunion, i haven't had any alcohol, etc... i've been a good girl.

the one thing i forgot was, that if you don't let your body recover, you get sick. this morning i just couldn't rally. i didn't go to track practice. i didn't go to work. i'm not teaching class tonight.

what i didn't factor in is that i'm working out more with the same amount of work to be done (if not more). same obligations. same life issues to deal with. something has to give. i need to make a better effort to take care of myself... rest and recovery is hard for me. i get restless just sitting on the couch, but even the energizer bunny has to take time to recharge.

rest on friday.
8 miles on saturday... maybe.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

my first buddy run

i made my first 6am tuesday buddy run!... and it only took 2.5 months.

usually at buddy runs, you show, you warm up with the group, you run. it's great because at least you are meeting people at the beginning and you commit to run. you don't necessarily finish together and people may not run your pace. i am not a morning person so 6am is not me and all the other buddy runs are when i teach class, so i figured i can run on my own or drag others to run with me.

it was great! i usually run alone, but during last week's track practice, we ran at our marathon pace. jessica and i are at about the same... we made plans to meet at the buddy run tuesday. jessica was awesome. she called me on sunday and monday to confirm. i definitely can't flake now. there were probably 8 people who showed up. wendy (who is also doing kauai) and nicole ran with us. all 4 of us ran the lake plus a few extra miles.

it's very different running with people and having conversation... not too much, but enough. we all kept each other at our pace, if not a bit faster. actually we kept each other from wimping out too :)

work was good. my class this evening was GREAT! it was a lady gaga class. fast. hard. furious. plus 12 - 1 minute rounds with minimal recovery (10 seconds)... AWESOME! i feel great! maybe it's the endorphins.

i guess tuesday and thursday are my early morning days.

5.4 miles (approx)
53:22 minutes
<10 minute miles

Monday, August 9, 2010

flossing and foam rolling

i have 3 cavities. so, what does this have to do with my training? nothing really, except for the fact that i hate flossing and i hate foam rolling! i don't floss every day (i hope my dentist isn't reading this... hi barbara!) don't get me wrong. i do floss, just not every day. it's a pain. it's the end of the day. i'm tired. besides i don't eat sweets (desserts not included of course), i rinse after every meal and i already brushed my teeth. i even have a toothbrush at work.

it's kind of like using the foam roller. today was strength training day. i was tired this morning, but overall everything was good. i'm getting a little stronger. the workouts are helping me strengthen my core, posture, and the rest of me that's not strong (which is everything). stair climbs with the medicine ball, chops on the free motion machine, a lot of stuff with weights and the stability ball, etc... i still don't know the names of these exercises and i'm not savvy enough to post stick figure exercises on this blog, so you'll have to trust me. it was a good workout, and everything went well... until the end when i had to do a side squats with the dumb bells. the knee went "ouch."

my trainer tried to figure out why i hurt. i ran the 10 miles on saturday, but other than a little stiffness in my knees, i felt fine. i could walk up stairs, etc. she suspected my IT band. she had me roll on the foam roller... OUCH!!!! i was told that i need to foam roll every day... just like i was told to floss the last week. it hurts :( i'm pretty flexible and justified that i work out and stretch so don't foam roll. i know. i know. the more you do it the better it gets.

i get so impatient and tired... the workouts and runs seem more rewarding since i feel the results from it. the maintenance after the workout is the challenge.

i have 27 days...
time to get off the computer, brush my teeth, floss and foam roll :(

Saturday, August 7, 2010

10+ miles... and why you should never ask me for directions

i almost flaked out this morning, but since i couldn't do the long run (6 - 8 miles) last saturday and haven't been doing to well in training this week, i had to run! i was a bit tentative because of the past week and i haven't been feeling that great. i couldn't sleep till 1am. alarm rang at 6:30am. hit snooze twice. got up at 6:50am. brushed teeth. washed face. applied sunscreen. made breakfast and went. getting there was no problem. parking was a bit of a hiccup since there was no attendant and they only took exact change. i mean who has exactly 6 bucks?

training run 8 -10 miles. this was the run. around the reservoir (2.75 miles). down the hill out the reservoir. around the neighborhood and back to the reservoir (4.5 miles). back around again (2.75) = 10 miles. sounds confusing, but i just follow the route markers and there's usually a few people around that are ahead to follow.

i ran the first 2.75 miles with my mentor... it was hills and hills, so we went slower overall. i wasn't too worried on time. i wanted to finish at the same pace i started... so i refused to look at my watch (until i got lost). the confusing part was after you ran the reservoir, you run through the parking lot, down the hill (not too bad down... terrible back up especially after 7 miles), back towards the freeway, around the neighborhood and back. it was good... except at the turnaround point. depending on your mileage you turned at mile 3, mile 4, mile 5 or mile 6.5. there are only 3 of us doing kauai and the max was 10 miles, so i turned around at mile 5. that's when i go lost. i took a right when i should have taken a left, but the street name was the same so i though i was okay, until i went up to a hill for a ways and nothing looked familiar. at first i though it was just me. when there are hills. i don't look up. i just look forward and run through the hills. besides, the run was all hills! so i kept going... until i saw the dead squirrel in the road and the new house being built. of course i didn't have my phone and had no idea where i was. no one was in the area to ask for directions. i retraced my steps and eventually, through trial and error, i found the route to go back. all was good, except i had to run around the reservoir again. did i tell you there are hills throughout the run?!

10+ miles. the farthest i've gone so far. i feel pretty good! the knee is a bit stiff. i stretched a bit. went out for brunch. walked the dog and now to shower... slight rest before my family reunion tonight. hope my heels don't kill me tonight :)

note to self: i should probably get a gps watch or something.

10 - 11 miles?
10:58 - 12:12 minute miles
guess it doesn't matter today. it was a 0 injury/aggravation run and 10 miles :)

Friday, August 6, 2010

30 days to go!

ACK! the counter is on my new droid... it's first thing i see when i look at my phone. i've got to start getting serious if i want to improve!

i did go to track practice yesterday. it was good. the new fall team came. talk about deja vu! i remember my first track practice on may 27th... there was another team. they looked like they knew what they were doing and i thought, "man, there's no way i'll get there!" coach told them to run their marathon or half marathon pace for 3 miles while he worked with us. that's what we did... good times! plus no hills. my pace was ok. i kept at a 10 mile pace, though i wanted to go faster. but then some days are better than others. i found someone who runs my pace and we are going to try and run tuesday at 6am.

the rest of the day, not so good. i was work by 8am for a meeting. at 3pm, i wasn't feeling too great, but thought i'd try to work through. didn't happen. went home at 5pm. went to bed. today was a little better.

tomorrow is 10 miles. we'll see how it goes...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

cirque du soleil for dummies

2nd pilates session.. a little better. i grade this on the i didn't pass out and was able to do a bit more today... now i still don't know what i did. well i do, but i can't describe it.

i'm learning to be more aware of my core and terrible posture.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

this is my life...

this is my life...
work. doctor's appt. run. kickboxing.

left the house at 9am. home at 10pm. overall the day was fine, but i'm not in a "chatty cathy" mood, so here it is in a nutshell.

work... not getting into it. let's just say it was unbelieveable.

doctor's appt... don't want to talk about it. the doc still hasn't figured out what my deal is... but i'm healthy until i'm told otherwise.

run... doctor's appointment ran late and i wasn't able to run the 6 miles i was supposed to. i haven't run since last thursday and this saturday is 10 miles, so i needed to log some time in my sneaks... i parked my car by the karate school. i had 30 minutes before i had to be back, so i ran a 1.3 mile loop up and down some hills in the area. it wasn't bad... but i'm worried for saturday.

kickboxing... back to school with 10 minutes to spare. no time for my chocolate milk, but it was only 28 minutes, so i'll survive. my class was GREAT! it was great because some martial arts guy in cargo shorts and sunglasses decided to try it out. no~ he didn't change into workout clothes. no~ he didn't take the sunglasses off for the first 7 minutes. yes~ i made sure class was fast and hard. yes~ it was a great workout.

home... dinner... shower... sleep.
then start all over again tomorrow... just earlier.

2.6 miles
28 minutes
10.46 minute mile

Monday, August 2, 2010

the energizer bunny takes on the sloth

sloth (slôth, släth; also, and chiefly Brit, slōth)
1. disinclination to work or exert oneself; indolence; laziness; idleness
2. slowness; delay

i have not worked out since thursday... the closest i got to a workout was 15 minutes on a trainer for a bike fit. i could say that i needed the rest because my knees have hurt, and that i worked 6 days straight though saturday. but the truth was, i was lazy and didn't feel like it. contrary to popular belief, i'm not that active. if i have a something scheduled such as work, meetings, personal training session, zumba, track practice, saturday runs, in the morning, then i can keep going until 1am. if not, then i'm at home in my jammies all day. i'll even bribe my dog to stay in bed til 11am... okay, maybe 12pm then eventually meander downstairs to my local restaurant (it's on the first floor of my building) and get a coffee and possible eggs benedict or the tri-tip scramble.

i grew up in a family that didn't really exercise. when i was 8 years old, my parents found out that i was allergic to everything, so that' s when we stopped doing trips to the park or anything outside and i officially became a "girl in the bubble" no sports. no outings. no nothing. i went to school then home to grandma and watch tv.

i'm trying to break that habit. i work in an industry where people support change and healthy living and it's still hard for me to work out. i'm naturally petite, and a bit hyper/ADHD, so people assume i have a lot of energy and work out all the time. not true. my problem is that i'm extreme. you never know what you are gonna get with me. i'm either the energizer bunny or the sloth.

today i had to conquer my inner sloth. i got to work at 9am. took an early break for my PT session. working lunch. completed what i needed to at work and made it home in time to test out a bike seat. 13.5 miles an hour... 45 minutes. it's all that the sunlight would allow me, plus i'm not great on my bike. the good news is that the only things sore on my back side are my sit bones. the PT workouts are getting better. knees still hurt today. core and posture aren't where they need to be, but i'll get there....

today the bunny won.

1 hour PT
45 minute ride