I skipped the training today and ran the See Jane Run 5k.
I don't like running alone nor am I disciplined enough to do that so I suckered my friend Kelly to run with me. Actually, I think she ran to help me train... she is a proud supporter of TEAM BELLE :) She was AWESOME! Talk abut SAG support. Kelly gave me a running skirt for the race, picked me up, brought water and kept a running pace that I could handle (until the last half mile). The race started at 8:30am, but we were in Alameda by 6:40am to find parking and get our registration... good thing. By 7:35am and 3 long lines later (this does not include the bathroom line), we got our race numbers and timing chip. I was a little nervous since I just started running. I warned Kelly that I'm slow so she could run ahead... we all end at the same place right? The weather was a bit overcast and perfect for a run.
I felt good and kept up with her... or she ran slow enough for me for most of the race. I practiced my breathing 1-2-3- exhale. 1-2-3-exhale. 1-2-3-exhale... and then the sun came out. I am covered with 85SPF. It's so thick, that I look a shade lighter than my normal skin tone. Of course, I still got a tan.
At mile 2.5-ish , Kelly asked if I was ready to kick it up a notch... Answer: NO She went ahead... then I really had to use the restroom. Come to think of it, I had to use it at the start, but didn't want to think of it.
First 2 miles good. 3rd mile not bad. I think I need to work on my fuel/food intake. My 2 HB eggs, at 6:00am... probably not enough, else I need more carbs to get me through. The 8 year old girl did finish ahead of me by 7 minutes, but I finished and felt good. Still not sure how I am going to tack on an additional 10 miles on top of this, but this was a good start.
The perks of this run: strawberries, chocolate & champagne at the finish line. Then the swag booths... In addition to a medal, shirt, champagne flute and other misc stuff, I walked away with a complimentary breakfast of a banana, bagel, granola with blueberries and yogurt then a jamba juice. So I ate more calories than I burned, but it was fun :)
For my single male friends... I recommend this run. If you are cruising for chicks and not running, bring the adorable chocolate lab puppy. However if I make a comment like, "You have cute little chick magnet." Please laugh, have some witty rebuttal, or say you are here for your sister instead of staring blankly at me then move on to the next group of puppy lovers. Oh well. Whatever works.unofficial results:
finished 168 out of 1072 participants
30:31 for a 5k (3.1 miles)
9:46 minute mile
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