Thursday, June 24, 2010

what happens when you fail

i haven't run since sunday 6/13/2010 that's 10 days.... but then life gets in the way.

last week = FAIL
MONDAY strenth training: meetings & didn't take a lunch to work out = FAIL
TUESDAY buddy run: i have yet to make one = FAIL
WEDNESDAY cross training: it's one of those weeks at work = FAIL
THURSDAY track practice: got up. nauseous. went back to bed. = FAIL
FRIDAY rest: stressful week at work = happy hour
SATURDAY 5 mile run: wedding FAIL (WORTH IT! see blog entry "the girl who wants to do it with everyone")
SUNDAY 30 minute recovery run: FAIL
and so goes my week until today. i guess it's not just about what you do when you are winning, but what you do when you FAIL.

after a 13 hour day at work & 4.5 hours of sleep. i got up at 4:45am. ate my oatmeal and went to the track. back to circuit drills. i was a little tentative at first, since it's been a while. but it went well.

note to self: track practice is not about going fast (well not the fastest pace) but doing the run at a good pace and focusing on form and strength while doing my squats, push ups, crunches, squats, supermans, push ups, 1 leg squats.

i didn't notice the distance, well not really. but i did get bamboozled into 3 miles (12 laps). actually ran 2.5 miles with a 1/4 mile warm up and cool down. not bad. let's see if i can keep it up.

2.5 miles
circuits every half mile
3 total miles
10 minute mile (approx).

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