Thursday, August 26, 2010


so it's 10 days before my run and i'm sitting here with ice on my knees. i was doing so well too! the day started with me getting up at 5am. i'm finally getting used to waking at 5am on thursday, eat some fuel and get to the track by 5:50am. today we did circuit training with hill repeats...big hill repeats. it was my last "official" track workout. next thursday is an easy 3 mile run and then it's fly to kauai. it was a bit humid, but i think i did well. i feel good... the top part of the steep hill still kills me, but my time to do 4 circuits seem better and consistent.

still need to remember to hydrate while i run, but i'm doing ok. went home... took a quick 1 hour power nap (i've learned that getting up at 5am and not finishing my day until 9pm... getting home at 10pm is taxing... so that hour really helps and keeps me going through when i usually poop out at 4pm.

work was work... i had my big girl shoes, but ended up wearing flats all day.
that's when my routine changed... RIGHT KNEE... INNER PATELLA... OUCH! i was walking down the stairs when i felt the pain... i didn't do anything strenuous today to injure myself. it was just a slight discomfort (and it was too late to find a sub), so i decided to teach class, but no jumping jacks, kicking, or anything that would stress out my knees. walked through most of the class. then with one step... sharp pain :(


i finished class. got food. drove home. pulled out my ice pack... and here i am.
resting, icing & elevating. i don't think i'm injured, but you can't be too safe.
i don't even think i did anything during training. it was getting out of the car or walking down the stairs or something stupid

1 hour track practice - hill repeast & circuit
1 hour kickboxing class - just boxing... no kicking

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